Hi, I'm Caroline and I'm a transformational coach and therapist for women, intuitively mentoring clients through a tried and tested process for moving beyond whatever is preventing you from living a happy, healthy and successful life, however that looks to you. 

I'm still a work-in-progress myself (that's life!), but I've learned how to overcome the hurdles that were blocking my mental and physical health and wellbeing, and now I live life on my terms, feeling confident, relaxed, focused, and calm.

There was a time when I didn't think I'd ever be free from stress, anxiety and depression. Growing up with very flawed boundaries from childhood trauma, I found myself in a cycle of unhealthy habits that momentarily masked how I was feeling, but ultimately only made me feel even worse. Throw in a few of life's curveballs and I found myself pushed further under, making it harder to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Then along came perimenopause, throwing my hormones into turmoil and suddenly everything seemed 10 times worse. There were days when I actually thought I was about to die! 

We have a tendency to pretend that everything is fine. It can be hard to admit that we need some help. But I took a deep breath and reached out, and before long, I started to take tiny steps along the path to 360o wellness again. These tiny steps turned into great big strides, which led to me wondering if I could support other women to achieve the same exceptional turnaround that I was experiencing. And the short answer is YES! 

And that's where I am now. A living example of the difference that transformational coaching and therapy can make. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from perfect! I still have my off days, but the difference is I know how to get myself out of the mental danger zone and back into some sort of balance. I consider myself to be a better mum, more positive and focused around work, living a fuller and more fulfilling life, being and far, far kinder to myself despite the years of trauma and fallout.

Working with me, there's zero judgement and a safe space for us to explore what's going on and to find the best solutions for you. Each session is tailored uniquely to you - there is no one-size-fits-all in my therapy and coaching. 

Have you ever had a time when you just wished you could feel 'normal'? Or find that elusive secret ingredient that all those happy people out there seem to have in bucketloads? Or just get rid of those thoughts, those feelings, the habits that are making you miserable and keeping you stuck?   

This beautiful life is short, let's not spend a moment longer being anything less than the happy, healthy, amazing women that we truly are. You deserve this, and I'll be holding your hand every step of the way.  

Press the button below for an informal chat about what's going on for you and to find out more about how I can help. Or email me directly at hello@carolinemeasures.com.

Much love,


From languages to international business, via motherhood, to coaching and therapy!

If you're interested in finding out a little bit more....before I started training to become a coach and therapist, a Degree in Modern Languages kick-started my career and I ended up working abroad in the corporate world for many years. Around the birth of my first daughter, I felt a massive pull to realign my life with what felt right and started to explore many different alternative therapies. We moved back to the UK in 2011 and I still have one foot in my day job, but I get my fulfilment from supporting women the way I wish I'd had support.   

Over the past 20 years, I've been working through the layers of some of the personal issues that weighed me down since I was a little girl. It seems that I'm very intuitive and an empath, also an introvert and most likely on the spectrum somewhere, and this is partly how and why I'm now qualified in these skills:  

  • Certified Master Hypnotherapist
  • Certified NLP Master Practitioner
  • Master NLP Coach
  • Master Practitioner of Life Coaching 
  • Time Line Therapy Master Practitioner
  • Emotional Freedom Technique 
  • Advanced Personal Development Coach 
  • Findhorn Flower Essences 
  • Mindfulness 
  • Meditation 
  • Menopause Wellness 
  • Reiki Master
  • ITEC Level 3 Swedish Body Massage
  • ITEC Level 3 Sports Massage
  • Reflexology
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Acupressure 

I love tropical beaches, my hot tub, Couch 25K (on and off!), the moon, making my own kombucha, vision boards, my cats, my family and the power of the mind, in no particular order. 

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